
601 & 701 S 12th Street

Tenant Handbook 

Emergency Notification System -  LiveSafe 

LiveSafe is a mobile safety application and emergency communication dashboard platform. The LiveSafe Command Dashboard is a web-based system that any computer connected to the Internet can access. The command dashboard provides security operation centers with an additional line of communication and is aligned with existing Brookfield protocols.


Unlike other mass communication companies our staff and tenants will have the ability to not only receive but to also send critical emergency and routine tips to a dashboard that your buildings can monitor in house.

Below is a list of LiveSafe mobile application features that will be available to our tenants:

  • One button feature to contact security or property management directly.
  • One button feature to contact 911.
  • One button feature to have access to critical portions of the Tenant Emergency Procedure Manual (TEPM) and tabs for each emergency scenario.
  • The ability to report an emergency or tip and add a photo or video to send to the dashboard. This can also be done anonymously for privacy reasons.
  • The ability to use the Safewalk feature which will allow the tenant to have a colleague or co-worker monitor their activity when they are leaving the property, headed to the garage or to the train station OR TRAVELING OUT OF TOWN. 
  • As long as their colleague has the LiveSafe app, Safewalk can be used in any capacity that a tenant wants a colleague to follow their path.