
601 & 701 S 12th Street

Tenant Handbook 

Security Overview


While security officers, closed circuit cameras and the maintenance staff can provide basic protection for the building, security is everyone's responsibility and your cooperation and vigilance is essential.

Each tenant can be effective in preventing the loss of valuable personal and company property by careful observance of these common-sense procedures:

Be particularly observant of strangers in your area and if their identity cannot be readily established, advise the Management Office immediately. Our ability to take positive action may be wholly dependent on speedy notification.

Establish and use, within the occupied premises, a secured area for packages, purses, salable and transportable property, etc., and particularly any form of a negotiable instrument or petty cash. We recommend a GSA approved fire safe.

At the end of each working day, store small personal and company items of value in a locked desk, credenza, file cabinet or other secured location.  Particular care should be taken for the security of lap top computers and smart devices; they are easily transported and readily marketable.

File cabinet drawers should be closed at the end of the working day and all file cabinets that are provided with locks should be secured nightly.

Be certain that all public corridor egress doors are locked at the conclusion of standard business hours on each business day and when your receptionist leaves the premises.

Enforce strict control of keys and access cards. Please notify the Management Office when any employees are terminated.

Promptly report the loss of property or any suspicious event to Security. Serial numbers of all valuable items should be recorded and retained in a file to aid police in recovering property in the event of a loss or theft.

Articles of value (handbags and coats) should not be left in open, unattended reception areas or on desks in offices at any time.

Never leave a vault or safe open while out of the office. Thoroughly spin the combination lock when closing a vault or safe. Do not leave a vault or safe combination in a desk.

Special care should be taken during certain times best suited for pilferage, i.e., the first 30 minutes after opening, lunch hours and just before closing. These are the times of maximum movement of personnel and absence from work areas and offices.

For additional assistance with security awareness and theft prevention, please contact the Management Office.